Hello, there! We are finally here in Pittsburgh at 2nd week of class. Luckily the classes are online so I was able to participate - sort of - during the transitions. The lectures have recorded zooms so I could simply just go back and re-visit missed lectures. Nonetheless, yeay, I am now officially a student at Carnegie Mellon University. Woohoo! Nonetheless, I have a strong support system to help me get here and it would not have been a breeze without them: 1. My family, my in-laws & makcik. For helping me with all the stuff - beli barang, kemas bags, jaga Mikael and Afrael when I needed to run some errands. 2. Kak Ifah, Abg Yus & family. They helped sending us to Pittsburgh and got us settled in super quick. I mean, without them, I probably wouldn't have a mattress to lie on the first day of my arrival here - that's how crazy supportive they are! I would never forget this - and they mentioned that it's a pay-it-forward, so if and when I found anyone needed some he...