In our Grand Challenge Innovation class, Jason showed us this video that was very eye opening for me. Thought I'd share it with you too! This is definitely an interesting perspective to a product. To sum it up: People always think how to vary a product. How to make a product more interesting. How to make your product a lot more enticing. You made one. Now, how does it impact your sales? This video however lets you think of each product as a service. What does a product "do for you"? And my initial thought was that he would be thinking about software-as-a-service style product. He wasn't. He was talking about milkshakes. And he hits all the right points on why I always go for milkshakes too. People always say that I am weird for picking up milkshakes in the morning. I thought I was weird and if you asked me the reason, I wouldn't even be able to explain it the way he does! It just makes so much sense! Go ahead. Watch it! Just a side thought: In Malaysia, McDonalds ...